Paws Up!
To Florida House Representatives Jared Moskowitz, David Richardson, and Blaise Ingoglia for sponsoring House Bill 871 that would create a statewide animal abuse registry.
A group of Florida legislators are fighting to protect animals by sponsoring H.B. 871, that would establish a statewide animal abuser registry. According to a recent news article, Representatives Jared Moskowitz (D-97th District), David Richardson (D-113th District), and Blaise Ingoglia (R-35th District) are pushing this measure to establish an online registry listing the identities of convicted animal abusers in Florida. Florida animal shelters and breeders would be required to first check the public animal abuse registry before allowing anyone to adopt or buy a companion animal. The bill also stipulates that anyone who is convicted of, or pleas guilty to animal abuse would be prohibited from owning an animal for a set period of time. The first and thusfar only state animal abuse registry was enacted in Tennessee in 2016.
To learn more about ways to help prevent animal cruelty, please download our free brochure.
Take Action: Floridians, please contact your representative to show your support for a statewide animal abuse registry.