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The Government & Animal Testing Transparency - National Humane Education Society

Paws Up!
January 16, 2021

To Representative Ken Calvert (CA-42) for reintroducing legislation mandating government agencies to disclose the number of animals used for testing.

An exorbitant number of animals are subjected to cruel procedures for advancing science, medicine, and teaching every year. Some have questioned animal testing’s effectiveness because of the vast difference between human and non-human species. One study found that environmental factors can affect test results. The difference in species or possible faulty results has not deterred government or private entities from its continuance with animal testing. As the public became informed about the inhumane practices surrounding animal testing, it led to 1) the passage of the Animal Welfare Act to provide minimum standards of care for animals used in research, 2) the practice of the 3Rs⚊Replacement, Reduction, and Refinement created by William Russell and Rex Burch⚊in animal testing, and 3) the development and push for the use of alternative methods.

In 2000, the Interagency Coordinating Committee on the Validation of Alternative Methods Authorization Act was signed, requiring alternative methods to be used by government facilities, when possible, along with reports that would be submitted to Congress every other year. Its passage also created a Scientific Advisory Committee within the National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences comprised of seventeen federal agencies collaborating to progress alternative testing methods.

At this time, government agencies do not have to specify the number of animals used for research. According to a press release, Representative Ken Calvert is advocating for that number to be disclosed with the reintroduction of H.R. 197, referred to as the FACT Act. This amendment would give a clearer picture of unnecessary animal testing and help keep government agencies accountable to prevent future animal suffering.

Take Action: Please contact your representative today to show your support for the FACT Act to help create more transparency in animal testing.

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3 responses to “The Government & Animal Testing Transparency”

  1. Diana Lewis says:

    We have to work toward humane treatment of animals!

  2. Pamela Sudduth says:

    COVID 19 is proof we don’t need testing on animals , as we are testing on humans for humans as it should . The days are done with using animals.

  3. The only way to stop this ridiculous animal testing is to only buy from companies that Don’t Test on animals!

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